if you wear body armor there’s no need to explain how hot an miserable it can get. Between the sweat-soaked undershirt, indescribable odor and itch/rash caused by bacteria build up, it’s no wonder why some are tempted to not wear their body armor at all. But in today’s day and age, not wearing your body armor is NOT optional.Read now
Body Armor Cooling & Ventilation For Police Officers Trying To Stay Drier, Cooler and Less Sweaty While Wearing Their Vest On The Job!
The Maxx-Dri Vest, which is now worn by over 107,000 Police Officers, First Responders, Prison Guards (wearing stab vests), Security Officials and Military Operators around the world; takes care of two of the most fundamental concerns for human beings, COMFORT & SAFETY!Read now -
New Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Odor Base Layer T-shirt - Eliminates Itchy Rashes & Stink From Wearing Body Armor
The Maxx-Dri Silver Elite T-Shirt is poised to be an absolute game changer for police officers, first responders, military operators, athletes, and anyone who has ever dealt with excessive sweat, itchy rashes and odor under their bullet-resistant, ballistic vest, stab vest, and even sports pads!Read now -
Police Officer Invents New Body Armor Ventilation and Cooling Vest Device To Battle Excessive Sweat, Odor and Discomfort While Wearing Body Armor
Most recently Madhavan, recognizing that thousands were still ordering the Original Maxx-Dri Vest for body armor ventilation and body armor cooling, decided to re-design the original vest and incorporate into it the features of The Maxx-Dri Vest 3.0...Read now -
Is taking OFF your sweaty, stinky body armor the best part of your shift?
Read nowFor many of the hundreds of thousands of police officers across the country the best part of their shift is the end of their shift when they get to take off their uniform and go home. Having worked on patrol...
When it comes to staying cool and dry in body armor....not all "mesh" is created equal!
Read nowSo recently it was brought to my attention that some body armor companies have started to incorporate a type of mesh material into their carriers. The purpose of this being to allow for additional airflow while wearing the body armor....
221B Tactical's Maxx-Dri Vest is helping Police Officers and First Responders around the world!! But don't take our word for it....
The Maxx-Dri Ultra Comfort Vest is now being used by over 120,000 police officers, first responders and military operatives across the country and around the world. Featured by Policeone.com only 18 months ago, the Maxx-Dri UCV is now being credited with "changing the way officers feel about wearing body armor."Read now -
How do you beat the hot Aussie sun & heat while wearing your ballistic body armor vest on the job? The answer is The Maxx-Dri Ultra Comfort Vest by 221B Tactical!
Read nowAt our first trade show to introduce Maxx-Dri in June 2014, our very first order came from an Australian bloke in attendance. At that time we couldn't yet see that we were on to something big with Maxx-Dri and we just...
We shall "Never Forget"
Read nowJoin us as we honor and pay tribute to American workers and commemorate and honor all the brave souls who made the ultimate sacrifice on September 11, 2001. Friday Sept. 4th through Sunday Sept.13th we’re offering special savings of 15%...