New Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Odor Base Layer T-shirt - Eliminates Itchy Rashes & Stink From Wearing Body Armor
If you've ever worn body armor on the job as a police officer or in any other capacity you have most likely experienced the dreaded feeling of soaking in your own sweat while stinking of body odor. It's not a pleasant feeling and is one that most wish to avoid at all costs.
But it doesn't end there. Your sweat is triggering bacterial growth which is not only the root cause of that awful body armor odor but also the catalyst for those itchy rashes that develop on your chest, rib cage and back. These painful and dangerous rashes are a direct result of bacteria soaking into your skin for extended periods of time.
221B Tactical Founder and CEO, Suresh Madhavan, experienced this pain and suffering first hand during his 13 years on patrol. And it's what lead him to invent The Maxx-Dri Vest for body armor ventilation, cooling and comfort which is now worn by over 100,000 police officers, first responders and military operators around the world. However, he didn't stop there.
Recognizing that bacterial growth was the root cause of these painful and infectious rashes, Madhavan set out to develop a product to prevent bacterial growth altogether. The end result of his two year mission was The Maxx-Dri Silver Elite T-Shirt.
The Silver Elite T-Shirt is the first of it's kind for law enforcement and military operators in that it is constructed with a material which is infused with Silver (Ag+). Silver (Ag+) inhibits the growth of bacteria, therefore preventing the formation of those itchy, painful rashes as well as embarrassing odors.
The material is also thin, light and ultra-breathable which allows it to wick moisture and dry 10 times faster than traditional cotton t-shirts. It also features what Madhavan calls "Infinity Stretch" which allows the material to stretch in every direction possible for superior comfort and fit. The shirt also features what Madhavan refers to as a "Hybrid" fit; a cross between loose fit and compression fit.
"Many who wear body armor try to use products such as Febreeze to help battle the unpleasant odors. However the truth of the matter is that these product merely mask the odor and do not deal with the root cause of it. Additionally, not only is the bacteria still present after spraying Febreeze, you now are absorbing all the dangerous chemicals contained within the product directly into your skin (transdermal) the next time you put your vest on."
The Maxx-Dri Silver Elite T-Shirt is poised to be an absolute game changer for anyone who has ever dealt with excessive sweat, itchy rashes and odor under their bullet-resistant, ballistic vest.
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