You see, when your body armor sweat doesn't have the ability to evaporate it remains soaked in your undershirt and/or your body armor. This leads to bacterial growth. When this bacteria remains soaked against your skin it can eventually work its' way into your pores. And this is when the itching, rash, pain and suffering begins. Often times this can't be cured by powders or creams.Read now
New Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Odor Base Layer T-shirt - Eliminates Itchy Rashes & Stink From Wearing Body Armor
The Maxx-Dri Silver Elite T-Shirt is poised to be an absolute game changer for police officers, first responders, military operators, athletes, and anyone who has ever dealt with excessive sweat, itchy rashes and odor under their bullet-resistant, ballistic vest, stab vest, and even sports pads!Read now -
Do you hate the stinky odor of your child's hockey pads? Well the odor is NOT the worst part!
Read nowLearn more here: https://www.amazon.com/221B-Tactical-Maxx-Dri-Football-Ventilation/dp/B08KWVYHZN/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Maxx+dri+hockey&qid=1605118468&sr=8-1 Millions of parents across the country (and around the world) have become all too familiar with the foul odor of their child's hockey pads. And despite trying dozens of different remedies, the problem still exists. But the...