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  • Tactical Bags - Part 3:
    July 22, 2023

    Tactical Bags - Part 3: What You Need When You Need To Move Fast

    If a hurricane, tornado or earthquake struck tomorrow, destroying homes and taking out utilities like electric, gas and water...are you prepared? If civil unrest erupts and rioters and looters rampage out from the cities and end up in front of your house...are you prepared? If the next widespread national/global heath threat unleashes (Covid, monkey pox, killer hornets, etc.)...are you prepared? 

    With various calamities and disasters happening now more than ever before and crime and lawlessness on the rise, home security and emergency preparedness are critical aspects of modern-day living. I recommend three preparedness components, or tools, that will help you and your family cope in the best possible way with such crisis and possibly save your life:

    1, An Emergency Kit

    2. A Tactical Defense Plan

    3. A Bug-Out-Bag

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  • Health, Wealth and Wisdom #6
    October 20, 2022

    Health, Wealth and Wisdom #6

    Nothing in this life is more important than your health. Think about it. If you don't have your health, what else even matters? 

    Second to your physical health is your fiscal health. Stress about money is one of the leading causes of breakdowns in physical health and relationships. 

    Fiscal (financial) health and wealth is attained through knowledge. A wise man once said that your bank account is one of the greatest indicators of your level of knowledge.

    So let's get to it...

    Health: Drink This As Soon As You Wake Up

    This one tip has changed the lives of so many of my friends. It's simple. It's uncomplicated. And, it works. Drink 24 oz. of water as soon as you wake up, on an empty stomach. Here are 10 reasons why you should drink water as soon as you wake up.

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    1. The secret to losing weight without extreme exercise
      June 18, 2018

      The secret to losing weight without extreme exercise

      Losing weight without exercise isn't impossible. If you claim that you simply don’t have time to exercise (which what you are REALLY saying is that it’s not a priority) then you’re only left with changing your diet if you’re looking to lose weight. And you can do it...if you’re dedicated.
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