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  • I Ate One Meal A Day For 30 Days. Here’s What Happened…
    September 14, 2021

    I Ate One Meal A Day For 30 Days. Here’s What Happened…

    The question I get the most when people hear about this is “was it hard?” And the answer is yes and no. Like I said, most days I was kinda doing this anyway. In fact, most of you reading this are more than likely doing a 12 hour fast most days and don’t even know it. What was hard was the days that I pushed myself to not eat anything until 7pm. But this was only hard at first. After doing it for a few days, it became much easier. My body just got used to it.

    In pre-historic times, hunter/gatherers would often go days without a viable meal. And they survived. Your body is so much more powerful and capable than you think. Whatever limits you feel you have are more than likely only about 30-40% of what you’re truly capable of. Most people just don’t know this because they never push themselves to that extreme. They don’t have to; food and the couch are only ever a few feet away.

    Ask yourself; do you want to go your entire life without ever knowing your true potential? Your true limits.

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  • Why Intermittent Fasting Might Be The Best (And Fastest) Way For First Responders To Burn Fat And Lose Weight
    May 31, 2021

    Why Intermittent Fasting Might Be The Best (And Fastest) Way For First Responders To Burn Fat And Lose Weight

    Part 2 Many “fasting gurus” will tell you that black coffee or pure green tea is allowed during your fasting window, as it doesn’t break your fast. This is 100% false. They base this theory on the fact that black coffee and green tea have no calories. And they’re not wrong. I’m not gonna get super technical here so I’ll keep it simple.

    When your body consumes anything other than water, it shifts gears to metabolize (process) it in a way which breaks it from the “fasting mode.” This is the mode your body MUST remain in in order to achieve the maximum results from fasting. So despite having minimal calories, coffee (and anything else aside from water) does break your fast. This is where the word “breakfast” comes from. Once again, this is not my opinion. This is a proven, scientific fact. 

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  • The Most Important Thing I Learned About Diet and Nutrition Working Shift Work Is To Never Be "On A Diet"
    October 27, 2020

    The Most Important Thing I Learned About Diet and Nutrition Working Shift Work Is To Never Be "On A Diet"

    Are you serious about losing weight and gaining lean muscle or are you just pretending that's what you want? In the video above I outline what is now part of my daily nutrition. This is not a diet. This is not a fad. This is not the latest diet craze on social media. It IS my lifestyle. Now, will it work for everyone? No. Once again, this is MY lifestyle. This means it may not work for you. However, most everyone I've shared it with HAS reported phenomenal results. So yes, it has proven to work for many people in my network. 
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  • When Is The Best Time of Day To Workout?
    March 10, 2020

    When Is The Best Time of Day To Workout?

    Part 1

    What is the best time of day to workout? For Police Officers and First Responders working shift work, is it better to workout before or after your shift?

    By: Effective Fitness Training

    One of the most frequently asked questions we get here at EFT is “should I work out before or after shift?" Another question we are often asked is, "is it better to work out in the morning or the evening?” Today, we are going to answer both of these questions.

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  • The Best Keto Ice Cream Recipe On The Planet - Keto Desserts 2020
    February 1, 2020

    The Best Keto Ice Cream Recipe On The Planet - Keto Desserts 2020

    The best keto ice cream dessert recipe on the planet for 2020. This 5 minute keto dessert recipe is so easy to make and comes out so delicious, I was actually angry that I didn’t discover it soon. Hopefully you’re reading this early in your keto diet journey and you can use it to fuel your transformation and potential weight loss. 
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  • The secret to losing weight without extreme exercise
    June 18, 2018

    The secret to losing weight without extreme exercise

    Losing weight without exercise isn't impossible. If you claim that you simply don’t have time to exercise (which what you are REALLY saying is that it’s not a priority) then you’re only left with changing your diet if you’re looking to lose weight. And you can do it...if you’re dedicated.
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