I Ate One Meal A Day For 30 Days. Here’s What Happened…
The question I get the most when people hear about this is “was it hard?” And the answer is yes and no. Like I said, most days I was kinda doing this anyway. In fact, most of you reading this are more than likely doing a 12 hour fast most days and don’t even know it. What was hard was the days that I pushed myself to not eat anything until 7pm. But this was only hard at first. After doing it for a few days, it became much easier. My body just got used to it.
In pre-historic times, hunter/gatherers would often go days without a viable meal. And they survived. Your body is so much more powerful and capable than you think. Whatever limits you feel you have are more than likely only about 30-40% of what you’re truly capable of. Most people just don’t know this because they never push themselves to that extreme. They don’t have to; food and the couch are only ever a few feet away.
Ask yourself; do you want to go your entire life without ever knowing your true potential? Your true limits.