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  • How to set up a plate carrier, the best place for your IFAK and where your plate carrier should sit on your body.
    February 8, 2024

    How to set up a plate carrier, the best place for your IFAK and where your plate carrier should sit on your body.

    How To Set Up A Plate Carrier

    First things first; why are you wearing a plate carrier. You must first answer this question before moving on to the next steps. Are you simply wearing it for protection against being shot? If so, what kind of bullets are you concerned about getting shot with; .223 or 9mm (or one of the many other rifle or pistol rounds)?

    Are you yourself carrying a weapon? If so, what kind of weapon; a rifle or a pistol. If so, you will need to carry additional ammo. How much ammo will you need to carry. Maybe you're carrying a rifle and a pistol as a secondary weapon. In this case, you'll have to carry ammo for both weapons.

    All these things must be taken into consideration prior to setting up your plate carrier. But for now, let's start off with the type of plates you need.

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  • What's The Best Body Armor and Plate Carrier For Your Home and To Keep In Your Vehicle
    April 9, 2021

    What's The Best Body Armor and Plate Carrier For Your Home and To Keep In Your Vehicle

    Over the last year, over 5 million Americans purchased a firearm for the first time in their life. This was due it most part to the violence and unrest seen in many cities across America. The truth is, many of these purchases were made out of pure fear. Fear of someone coming to your door in an attempt harm you or your family. Fear of an angry mob accosting you as you simply try to drive to work or home.

    In the last year Americans have witnessed violence on the news happening across the country that they’ve never seen before. And frankly, it triggered many to re-consider their safety and security as American citizens. 

    But owning a firearm is just part of the equation. If an event does occur, having a gun does nothing to protect you against getting shot yourself. This is where body armor comes into play. Based on body armor sales figures for 2020, it appears that millions of people recognized this and acted accordingly. 

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