Tactical Bags - Part 2: What You Need In Your Vehicle Bug-Out Bag
A tactical go bag, also known as a bug out bag, is an essential tool for anyone serious about being prepared for unexpected events or emergencies. Ever since becoming a Police Officer and seeing, first hand, how most people are not prepared at all for various emergencies and events, I’ve made it a point to always have a tactical bug out bag in every one of my vehicles.
So what’s actually in my vehicle emergency bug out bag? It is filled with emergency supplies that I can quickly access in case of an emergency.
Having a tactical go bag in my vehicle at all times means that I can be ready for any situation at any time. Why should you have one? Whether it's a natural disaster like an earthquake, flood, or hurricane, or a man-made disaster like a serious motor vehicle crash, terrorist attack or civil unrest, you can be confident that you have all the essential supplies you need to deal with the situation and/or survive for several days if need be.